The United Church of Canada Foundation/
La Fondation de l’Église Unie du Canada
This award is an initiative of The Clifford Elliott Spirit of Saskatchewan Ministry Trust Fund, established in 2006 in memory of Clifford Elliott, a native of Saskatchewan and an ordained United Church minister.
Clifford Elliott was born in Langham, Saskatchewan, and was always fiercely proud of his roots. The broad sweep of the prairie landscape informed his soul and inspired an open view of the world. Cliff’s rural heritage instructed him in the importance of hard work, persistence, flexibility, and hopefulness. These values, together with the spirit of cooperation and compassion so necessary for survival on the prairies, were the hallmarks of his ministry. Cliff believed that these Saskatchewan values have a universal application and will enliven the ministry of the church wherever they are embraced.
The Clifford Elliott Spirit of Saskatchewan Ministry Trust Fund will provide financial support to United Church of Canada ministry personnel or laypersons who have completed an M.Div. degree (or equivalent) and who qualify for and intend to pursue graduate theological studies for Th.D, Ph.D, or D.Min. degrees with a view to:
· strengthening the learning and renewal of the whole church,
· nurturing Christian faith and leadership development in the UCC and the ecumenical church, and
· fostering local communities of faith and mission.
Preference will be given to applicants whose studies will contribute to honouring and cultivating Canadian prairie values such as co-operation, economic justice, and respect for the land and for its peoples. Priority will be given to applicants that are pursuing a Th.D or Ph.D and applicants pursuing a D.Min are second priority.
The award is a scholarship of up to $5,000.